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It shall be the function of standing committees to provide the Staff Senate with working bodies entailing specific areas of responsibility to enable a planned and coordinated direction for the business of the Staff Senate.


Committee Assignments



The purpose of the By-Laws Committee shall be to:

  1. Keep the Staff Senate By-Laws up to date;
  2. Keep the records of the By-Laws;
  3. Review and consider any proposed changes, and to take suitable change proposals to the Staff Senate after due consideration and timely announcements;
  4. Ensure that copies of the By-Laws are readily available to all members of the University community as well as the general public; and
  5. Audit the By-Laws every three (3) years (done during the election cycle of the Staff Representative to the Board of Trustees election), composed of a subset of the By-Laws Committee, the Staff Senate Office Coordinator and the Parliamentarian.

Meeting Time / Location

By-Laws Committee meetings are scheduled the 2nd Thursday of each month at 11:00 a.m. via virtual meetings at this time. 


Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Kelly Hahn (Chair)
  • Allissa Anderson (Co-Secretary
  • Elizabeth Andrade (Co-Secretary)
  • Josh  Henry
  • Erin Tigges
  • Stephanie Zapata

Community Outreach


The purpose of the Community Outreach committee shall be to:

  1. Strive to provide a structure to better allow the Staff Senate to engage with the University of Kentucky community through acts of service, as well as by supporting acts of service organized by the University of Kentucky community
  2. In partnership with the Public Relations committee, support the CRISIS program with the creation of deliverables and active outreach 
  3. Review or encourage development of new types of service activities or programs in collaboration with Staff Senate's main body, as well as the entire University of Kentucky community
    1. a) Potential UK Partners, including but not limited to:
      1. Office of Work-Life
      2. Center for Community Outreach
  4. Leverage existing membership of the Staff Senate to support community outreach through service opportunities across the Commonwealth

Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Christopher Carney
  • David  Faulconer
  • Jonnisa Ferguson
  • Jennifer Fore
  • Tenia Gatewood
  • Samantha Gauthier
  • Audrie Johnson
  • Blazan Mijatovic
  • Kailey Oliveros

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Whitney Arvin
  • Andrew Hainley
  • Kevin Horn-Pacheco
  • Amy Jones
  • Harrison Levans
  • Glenn Means
  • Louise Allison  Montero
  • Tessa Pinkerton
  • Justin Sumner
  • LaTanya Walker
  • Markeda Yarbrough



The purpose of the Elections Committee shall be to:

  1. Conduct an annual review of the Staff Senate precincts and make recommendations for changes to ensure that the Staff Senate represents the staff fairly and proportionately;
  2. Certify eligibility of candidates for election to the Staff Senate and Staff Representative to the Board of Trustees;
  3. Conduct the election of Senators to the Staff Senate; and
  4. Conduct the election of the Staff Representative to the Board of Trustees.

Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Krystle Moore
  • Daniel Naas
  • Sarah Orr
  • Johnna Wilford
  • Sandy Wooton Gay

Employee Engagement


1) Create opportunities for employees to engage in University and Staff Senate activities

Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Charla Hamilton
  • Fadyia Lowe
  • Komal  Pandya
  • Kendria Willis

HealthCare Administration


The purpose of the HealthCare Administration/EVPHA Advisory Committee shall be to:

Bring staff-related concerns to HealthCare administration and to increase communication between HealthCare administration and staff.

Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Kevin Duncan
  • Sandra Frey
  • Sheneda Goforth
  • Joseph Hacker
  • Amanda Hornsby
  • Curtis Hudson
  • Monica Perez
  • Cory Qualls
  • Tiffany Randolph
  • Halley White

President Advisory (PAC)


The purpose of the Advisory Committee to the President of the University shall be to:

  1. Provide advice on any issue brought to it by the President; and
  2. Bring to the President any issue the Staff Senate deems appropriate.

Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • James Aaron
  • Dale Davis
  • Terry Keys
  • Brittany Lawrence
  • Tiffany Miller
  • Aaron Peffer
  • Covetta Ramey
  • Ben Rice

Professional Development/Career Progression


1) Provide opportunities to employees to engage in development and growth within the University

2) Execute and present monthly Lunch and Learns to University employees

Explore Professional Development Resources

Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Shelly Bishop
  • John Blaine
  • Alexandra  Curtis
  • Kevin  Fleming
  • Kaleb Grey
  • Laura Hall
  • Sheena Lee
  • Kristen Pickett
  • Ritchelle Ruiz
  • Stephen Williams

Public Relations


The purpose of the Public Relations and External Affairs Committee shall be to:

  1. Internally and externally disseminate Staff Senate information;
  2. Lead Staff Senate informational initiatives on issues affecting the University with regard to the local and state governments of Kentucky, other institutions and other external affairs in a fair and equitable manner; and
  3. Generate recommendations to the Staff Senate for action on such issues.

Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Joshua Borgemenke
  • Amber Bruce
  • Alexis  Fellows
  • Charles Haley
  • James Hamblin
  • Kristen Lawson
  • Stephanie Million
  • Brooke  Poe
  • Gage Redimarker

Special Events


The purpose of the Special Events committee shall be to: 

1) Assist and execute all Staff Senate events, including but not limited to: UK Appreciation Day, UK Remembers, UK DanceBlue DanceParty, Conversation with the President, Chat with the Provost. 

Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Tamara Anding
  • Amanda Banahan
  • Kelley Beverley
  • Sabrina Brewer
  • Leanna Brignola
  • Olwen Burton
  • Destiny Carter
  • Lisa Lockman
  • Amy McHone
  • Addison Mills
  • Pamela Noble
  • Scott Sorrell
  • Hardin Stevens



The purpose of the Technology Committee shall be to:

  1. Ensure maintenance of the Staff Senate website, SharePoint, listservs, and other technologies as necessary, in collaboration with the Staff Senate and other committees;
  2. Liaise with University IT and the Office of the Staff Senate to resolve technology concerns for the Staff Senate; and
  3. Generate recommendations to the Staff Senate on questions of technology.

Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Jennifer Bridge
  • Jennifer Hill
  • Zachary King
  • Te'Quisha Miller

University Benefits and Compensation

The purpose of the University Benefits and Compensation Committee shall be to:

  1. Meet regularly with the Human Resources Executive Director (or representative)
  2. Generate recommendations for action on such issues to be:
    1. Referred to Executive Committee
    2. Referred to Staff Senate Body
    3. Referred to another committee


Our team came together for the first time on August 12, 2021. Our regularly scheduled committee meeting is set for the first Friday of every month. To date, we have discussed many employee concerns including but not limited to:

  • Workplace flexibility.
  • Return on campus of remote/hybrid employees.
  • Vaccine badging, booster shots, campus wide mandate as well as potential incentives to encourage Covid-19 vaccinations.
  • Wage feathering and pay inequity concerns.
  • Review of the performance evaluation process.
  • Fertility insurance coverage.
  • FMLA and unpaid leave concerns.
  • Re-evaluation of shared leave pool parameters.

Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Melissa Barger
  • Cynthia Brown
  • Amy Lorenzo
  • Karen McCann
  • Scott Pappas
  • Stefan Schagane
  • Andrea Strassburg
  • Keisha Wells
  • Alice Williams

University Policy and Processes

Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Sarah Fitzgerald
  • Aaron Gosper
  • Michael Millett
  • Cary Osborne 
  • Stephanie Peeples
  • Sydney Shields
  • Allison Walters

Ad-Hoc: Administrative Regulation Development

Current Items for Review:




Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Michael Adams
  • Tiara Ball
  • Amanda Biddle
  • Olivia Ellis
  • Courtney  McCalla 
  • Mindy Thompson
  • Madeline Trudeau

Ad-Hoc: Higher Ed Administration Advisory

Current Items for Review:




Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Kenneth Blair
  • Karena Blaurock
  • Kyle Hardesty
  • Heather McAtee
  • Pamela McFarland
  • Carol Simpson

Ad-Hoc: Shared Governance Collaboration

Current Items for Review:




Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Christy Coffman
  • Rebecca  Earls
  • Ryan Farley
  • Beth Goins
  • Catherine Hayden
  • Dean Holt
  • Kayla Powell
  • Laurel Wood
  • Misty Wright

Ad-Hoc: University Budget and Finance

Current Items for Review:




Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Jessica Howard
  • Lucas Redmond
  • Stephen Reed
  • Farhad  Rezaei
  • Tymory  Stanton
  • Elijah Wilson

Ad-Hoc: University Infrastructure

Current Items for Review:




Members (July 2024 - June 2025)

  • Elliot Bloomer
  • Doug Burgess
  • Eric Carroll
  • Melissa Claar
  • Julien Galyon
  • Perry Gibson
  • Troy Martin