Brother Earl Adkins - Fiddlin' Five Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Marjorie Marie Allen Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Bobby Ammerman Forever in our hearts |
Nicholas "Nick" Arnold Rest in peace |
Adam C. Ayers Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Rex Bailey Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Dr. Terry Birdwhistell Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Sen. Joe R. Bowen - UK Board of Trustees In loving memory |
Patti Brophy-UK Travel GURU Rest in peace |
Clyde Carpenter Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Nishakar Chakraborty Forever in our hearts |
Sally Chesser In loving memory |
Terrence Clarke - Men's Basketball In loving memory |
Chuck Corby-Lee Forever in our hearts |
Vicki Crawford Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Betty Cummings Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Cynthia Danhauer In loving memory |
Maurice Dawson, Jr. Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Mary Dowling CNM Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Mike Farrell In loving memory |
Melanie Finney In loving memory |
Donna Fryman Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Carol Martin "Bill" Gatton Forever in our hearts |
Dr. Hans Gesund - civil engineering professor Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Susie Gorton- Phenomenal nurse, even better person. In loving memory |
Alicia Gray, RN. Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Andrew M Hall Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Dr. George Heersche, Jr. Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Talena Henderson In loving memory |
Bernard "Ted" Hicks In loving memory |
Ella Sue Engle Hoffman In loving memory |
Reverend Phil Hogg Rest in peace |
Cathy Hunt In loving memory |
Jalen Michael Workman Johnson Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Nicholas "Nick" Eugene Johnson Greatly loved, deeply missed |
David Jones Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Ben Jordan - Basketball\Baseball Forever in our hearts |
Helen Lewis In loving memory |
Dr. Robert Lightfoot Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Polly Lojewski Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Michael Lovan Rest in peace |
Marcia Moss Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Sunit Mukherjee Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Dan O'Hair Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Melissa O'Sullivan Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Dr. Gary R. Parker Rest in peace |
Dr. Evelyn M. Parrish Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Prakriti Ranjan Patra In loving memory |
Suhrid Ranjan Patra Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Jim Paugh Forever in our hearts |
John Mitchell Potter II Forever in our hearts |
Mike Pratt Forever in our hearts |
Brad Rister Forever in our hearts |
Lindsay Conner Rose Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Frances E. Ross Forever in our hearts |
Donnie Royse-UK Von Allmen School of Accountancy Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Jim Ryder In loving memory |
Ryan Sallee Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Ernie Scott Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Dr. F. Douglas "Scutch" Scutchfield Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Jackie Shouse Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Ahmar Mohammed Siddiqui Rest in peace |
Vijay Singh-Professor-Electrical and Computer Engineering Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Clemma Snider Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Shelby Stocker Forever in our hearts |
Derek Taylor In loving memory |
Dr. William Thomas Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Eva Wade Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Patrick Walker Forever in our hearts |
Helen Warnock, RN Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Bob Whitaker - Beloved Alumni Association Executive Director Your life was a blessing, your memory a treasure |
Roxanne White In loving memory |
Leonard C. Wilson Forever in our hearts |
Lisa Wilson In loving memory |
Catherine Young Greatly loved, deeply missed |
Nick “Pop” Zimlich Greatly loved, deeply missed |