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These By-Laws shall govern the Staff Senate. The most recent edition of Robert's Rules of Order shall be the guide for all parliamentary decisions for the Staff Senate. All Senators are sworn to uphold the Governing Regulations Part V and By-Laws of the Staff Senate.

Adopted: March 9, 2023

Effective: July 1, 2023

Staff Senate Bylaws Purpose of the Staff Senate

The University of Kentucky Staff Senate shall exist to provide a forum in which the diverse staff can work together to promote their common interests, needs and concerns, to create a stronger bond within the staff, and to encourage cooperation between the staff, faculty, and students for the long-term benefit of the University of Kentucky.

In accordance with GR V, these By-Laws shall govern the Staff Senate. The most recent edition of Robert’s Rules of Order shall be the guide for all parliamentary decisions for the Staff Senate. All Senators are sworn to uphold the By-Laws of the Staff Senate.

Related SOP Purpose

Article 1 - Senators

1.1 Term of Office

1.1.1    Senators shall be elected for a term of three (3) years.

1.1.2    Senators shall be sworn in to office in the month of July.

1.2 Eligibility

1.2.1    Membership of the Staff Senate shall be:    Limited to Regular Staff Employees with a full time equivalent (FTE) of 0.50 or greater. Full-Time Equivalency (FTE), as defined in University of Kentucky Human Resources Policy and Procedure (HRP&P) Number 4.0: Employee Status; and    the Candidate must have a length of continuous employment service no less than three (3) months and have approval of their supervisor.

1.3 Election of Senators

1.3.1    The administration of Staff Senate elections shall be the responsibility of the Election Committee.    To vote in the Election of a Staff Senator one must be a Regular Staff Employees with a Full Time Equivalent (FTE) of 0.50 or greater; and    Full-Time Equivalency (FTE), as defined in University of Kentucky Human Resources Policy and Procedure (HRP&P) Number 4.0: Employee Status.

1.4 Duties of Senators

1.4.1    Senators’ duties shall include, but not be limited to:    Communicate regularly with their sector;    Refer any media inquiries to the PR Committee or Staff Senate Chair;    Attend all regular Staff Senate meetings;    Serve on a Committee,    Attendance at the Senator’s designated Committee meetings is required.    A Senator shall serve on no less than one (1) Standing Committee. A Senator may attend any other Committee meeting as a non-voting member.    Uphold the By-Laws of the Staff Senate.

1.5 Attendance and Leave

1.5.1    During anyone (1) fiscal year, either three (3) unexcused absences or a combined total of five (5) excused/unexcused absences from regular Staff Senate meetings or either three (3) unexcused absences or a combined total of five (5) excused/unexcused absences from Committee meetings will initiate review for removal from the Staff Senate.    An excused absence shall be defined as an occurrence of official University work or official University leave. An occurrence constitutes the entire duration of each official University leave and shall be counted as one (1) absence regardless of the number of meetings missed.    An excuse must be given to the Secretary before the meeting unless an emergency arises. In such cases, the Secretary must then be contacted within seven (7) calendar days.    If there is a regular conflict with a committee meeting, the Senator should ask the Executive Committee to be re-assigned to another Committee.

1.5.2    A Senator on official University leave shall retain his or her Senatorial seat until the end of his or her term.

1.5.3    An Officer of the Staff Senate whose official University leave shall encompass three (3) consecutive, regular Staff Senate meetings shall be required to resign his or her position as Officer of the Staff Senate upon the inception of the Senator’s official University leave. This will terminate his or her position on the Executive Committee.

1.6 Vacancies

1.6.1    The filling of any vacancy in the Staff Senate is the responsibility of the Election Committee.    Recommendations from the Election Committee shall be brought to the Staff Senate for review and approval.

1.7 At-Large Senators

1.7.1    At-Large Senators will be allowed all rights and privileges of a regular Staff Senator.

1.7.2    Appointments are made for one of the following reasons:    Relocation of a Senator    Under-represented Sector

1.8 Ex-Officio members of the Staff Senate

1.8.1    The Staff Senate Operating Procedures contains the current list.

1.8.2    Requests for Ex-Officio membership from individuals not enumerated in the Staff Senate Operating Procedures shall be submitted to the Executive Committee.

1.8.3    Ex-Officio members may take part in discussions in the Staff Senate and answer questions, but may not vote or be an Officer of the Staff Senate or serve on any committees. They may be asked to attend meetings of Standing Committees or Ad Hoc Committees if felt appropriate by the Chair and a majority of that Committee.

1.9 Removal of a Staff Senator

1.9.1    Any Senator may be removed from office for misconduct as defined in Human Resources Policy & Procedure Number 12. Grounds for removal may include, but are not limited to:    Violation of the University or Senate policies,    Acts that defame or malign the reputation of the Staff Senate,    Absenteeism

1.9.2    The call for the removal of a Senator shall be submitted to the Executive Committee by a current Senator.

1.9.3    The one calling for the removal of the Senator must substantiate this by submitting the reasons for removal, in writing, to the Executive Committee for review.

1.9.4    The Executive Committee shall contact the Senator whose name is up for removal to ascertain whether or not the issue(s) can be resolved prior to sending the resolution to the full Staff Senate.

1.9.5    If a member of the Executive Committee is either party in the process, they shall be recused from all related proceedings.

1.9.6    A majority of the current Senate membership must vote for the removal of the Senator for that individual to lose their position. If a Senator is removed, their position is considered to be a vacancy.

1.10 Resignations

1.10.1    A Senator resigns his or her position on the Staff Senate if they meet any of the following criteria:    Written notice by the Senator is given to the Chair of the Executive Committee.    Such resignations shall take effect at the time specified in such notice.    They are no longer in the employee of the University of Kentucky.    They no longer meet the eligibility requirements set forth in Article I, Section 2 of the University of Kentucky Staff Senate Bylaws.    The resignation of a Staff Senator from his or her position will be considered to be a vacancy. This will be officially recorded in the Staff Senate records and reported to the full Staff Senate.    The one calling for the removal of the Senator must substantiate this by submitting the reasons for removal, in writing, to the Executive Committee for review.

Article 2 - Officers

2.1 Term of Office

2.1.1    The Staff Senate shall elect Officers to serve for one (1) year or until the respective successors have been elected and seated.

2.2 Eligibility

2.2.1    All voting members of the Staff Senate, who have been a current senator for no less than 6 months, are eligible for election to an Officer position.

2.2.2    Only voting members of the Staff Senate may nominate or cast ballots in the election of any Officers of the Staff Senate.

2.3 Election of Officers

2.3.1    The Staff Senate shall elect Officers. The Officers are:    Chair    Vice Chair    Parliamentarian    Secretary    Treasurer

2.3.2    Special Election of Officers    When a vacancy occurs, an election for that office shall take place at the next regular meeting or special meeting.

2.4 Duties of the Chair

2.4.1    The duties of the Chair shall include, but not be limited to:    Preside at all meetings of the Staff Senate and the Executive Committee;    Determine, in consultation with the Executive Committee, the agenda for all meetings of the Staff Senate;    In response to a majority vote of the Executive Committee or the Staff Senate, issue calls for special meetings of the Staff Senate through the Secretary;    Receive all matters directed to the Staff Senate and refer these to the Staff Senate or one of its committees, as appropriate; and    Act as the official representative of the Staff Senate.

2.5 Duties of the Vice Chair

2.5.1    The duties of the Vice Chair shall include, but not be limited to:    Preside at meetings of the Staff Senate in the absence of the Chair;    Act as Chair of the Staff Senate in the event a vacancy occurs in the office of the Chair of the Staff Senate until another Chair is elected;    Represent the Staff Senate when appointed to do so by the Chair of the Staff Senate; and    Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

2.6 Duties of the Secretary

2.6.1    The duties of the Secretary shall include, but not be limited to:    Maintain a current list of Staff Senate members and vacancies;    Maintain attendance records of Staff Senate meetings and forward those records and the Standing Committee and Standing Advisory Committee attendance records for posting on the Staff Senate website;    Jointly maintain, with the Parliamentarian, archives of all actions taken by the Senate.    Ensure all actions are kept available to the Staff Senate and the general public;    Ensure accurate minutes are taken at each Staff Senate and Executive Committee meeting; and    Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

2.7 Duties of the Treasurer

2.7.1    The duties of the Treasurer shall include, but not be limited to:    Jointly manage with the Program Coordinator, the Staff Senate operating budget(s) and ensure all financial records are available upon request in accordance with university business procedures and policy;    Jointly provide with the Program Coordinator and Chair, a proposal for approval that outlines allocations for operating budget(s) to the Staff Senate body after approval of the Staff Senate budget by the Office of the President;    Provide, as necessary, a second signature on financial transactions after the Program Coordinator.    Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

2.8 Duties of the Parliamentarian

2.8.1    The duties of the Parliamentarian shall include, but not be limited to:    Interpret and apply Robert's Rules of Order (latest revision) when so requested by either the Chair of the Staff Senate or by a motion duly adopted by the Staff Senate;    Ensure an accurate and up-to-date copy of the By-Laws and all amendments are kept available for the Staff Senate and the general public;    Jointly maintain, with the Staff Secretary, archives of all actions taken by the Senate;    Ensure all actions are kept available to the Staff Senate and the general public;    Preside over officer elections (with the exception of election of Parliamentarian); and    Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.

2.9 Duties of the Program Coordinator

2.9.1    The duties of the Program Coordinator shall include, but not be limited to:    Carry out job responsibilities and duties as outlined in the major job responsibilities of the Program Coordinator position on record with Human Resources; and    Serve as an Ex-Officio non-voting member of the Staff Senate and Executive Committee.


2.10 Removal of Staff Senate Officers

2.10.1    An Officer of the Staff Senate may be removed from office for reasons such as:    Violation of the Staff Senate By-Laws, or policies or procedures;    Malfeasance in office;    Lack of attendance;    Neglect of duty to the Staff Senate.    Misconduct (see HR P&P for guidance)

2.10.2    An officer can be removed by the submission of a petition to the Parliamentarian, signed by twenty-five (25) percent of the membership, listing reasons for removal.    If the Parliamentarian is the officer in question, the petition will be presented to the Vice Chair.

2.10.3    The signatures on the petition will be verified as current Staff Senators.

2.10.4    Upon verification, the petition will be presented at the next regularly scheduled Staff Senate meeting.

2.10.5    Officers shall be removed only with concurrence of the majority of the membership of the Staff Senate.

2.10.6    A vote on the removal of the officer will be taken at the next regularly scheduled Staff Senate meeting following the reading of the petition. Removal from office does not necessitate removal from Staff Senate.

Article 3 - Meetings

3.1 Place

3.1.1    The Staff Senate shall hold its regular meetings on the main UK campus. To facilitate attendance, meetings shall be held consistently in the same place insofar as practical.

3.2 Notice of Meetings

3.2.1    The Staff Senate shall hold regular meetings on the second Thursday of each month.

3.2.2    Notice of a meeting, stating the place, date, and hour of each meeting shall be made available to members of the Staff Senate not less than five (5) working days before a regular meeting and not less than three (3) working days before a special meeting.

3.2.3    Should there be a need to change the meeting location, the Staff Senate shall:    Inform the members of the Staff Senate as soon as possible but not less than twenty-four (24) hours before the meeting.

3.3 Agenda

3.3.1    The Chair of the Staff Senate, with input from the Executive Committee and members of the Staff Senate, shall determine the agenda for each meeting.

3.3.2    A copy of the agenda and appropriate minutes will be made available to each member of the Staff Senate not less than two (2) working days before a regular Staff Senate meeting.

3.3.3    The order of the agenda shall be in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order (latest revision). Any conflict between this source and the By-Laws of the Staff Senate shall be resolved in favor of the By-Laws of the Staff Senate.

3.4 Special Meetings

3.4.1    A special meeting of the Staff Senate may be called at the discretion of the Executive Committee or a majority of the Staff Senate.

3.5 Open Meetings

3.5.1    The Staff Senate and its committees shall operate in compliance with the provisions of the Open Meetings Law. (KRS 61.800 - KRS 61.850)    Visitors should be seated separately from the Senators and will be recognized by the Chair only when prior arrangements have been made.

Article 4 - Voting

4.1 Method

4.1.1    Voting shall be by the method prescribed by the Chair at the time of the vote.

4.1.2    The vote totals shall be confirmed by the Chair.

4.1.3    If a majority is not distinguishable in a voice vote, a roll call vote shall be called automatically.    A roll call vote will be called for automatically in the case of a contested vote.

4.1.4    Senators physically present and via technology shall be permitted to vote.

4.2 Limits

4.2.1    Each Senator shall have one (1) vote.

4.2.2    No votes by proxy or absence shall be allowed.

4.3 Quorum

4.3.1    A quorum shall be fifty-one (51) percent of the voting membership.

4.4 Debate

4.4.1    Discussion shall be limited to fifteen (15) minutes per motion or until all Senators have an opportunity to speak.

4.4.2    The time shall be kept by the Parliamentarian.

4.5 Tie Votes

4.5.1    A motion fails to pass in the case of a tie vote.

Article 5 - Executive Committee of the Staff Senate

5.1 Purpose

5.1.1    The Executive Committee shall:    Facilitate the functioning of the Staff Senate and oversee all committees;    Act on urgent matters which cannot wait for action by the Staff Senate in regular sessions. Such actions shall be reported to the Staff Senate no later than the next regular meeting;    Review and recommend action on the Staff Senate annual budget;    Recommend the formation of Special or Ad Hoc committees as necessary;    Appoint representatives to University-wide committees;    Maintain and regulate the Staff Senate listserv; and    Determine the agenda for Staff Senate meetings.

5.2 Composition

5.2.1    Members will include:    Officers of the Staff Senate    Chairs of the Standing Committees    A substitute from that committee may be appointed by the committee chair and have the same voting privileges.    Chairs of the Standing Advisory Committees    A substitute from that committee may be appointed by the chair and have the same voting privileges.    Staff Representative to the Board of Trustees    Serve as Ex-Officio    Immediate Past-Chair    Serve as Ex-Officio for one (1) year.

5.3 Reports

5.3.1    The Executive Committee shall:    Submit current activity reports at each regular Senate meeting; and    Submit an annual report at the last Senate meeting of the fiscal year.

5.4 Quorum

5.4.1    Fifty-one (51) percent of the Executive Committee membership shall constitute a quorum.

Article 6 - Standing and Standing Advisory Committees of the Staff Senate

6.1 Purpose

6.1.1    The purpose of Standing and Standing Advisory Committees is to assume responsibility for the function of specific areas of the business of the Staff Senate. Terms for members and officers shall be one fiscal year.

6.2 Committee Officers

6.2.1    All Standing and Standing Advisory Committees shall elect a Chair to act as the spokesperson for the Committee and oversee Committee actions. All Standing and Standing Advisory Committees shall elect a Committee Secretary to keep committee records.

6.2.2    The Chairs are limited to two successive terms per committee.

6.3 Standing Committees of the Staff Senate

6.3.1    The Staff Senate shall have Standing Committees.

6.3.2    Fifty-one (51) percent of the Standing Committees membership shall constitute a quorum.

6.3.3    The Standing Committee shall submit all recommendations for action to the Executive Committee, for consideration as an agenda item(s) for the whole body.

6.3.4    The Standing Committees shall be responsible for submitting current activity reports to the Executive Committee, as well as a written annual report, which shall be provided to the Executive Committee at or before the last meeting of the fiscal year.

6.3.5    The Executive Committee shall review all Standing Committees annually and make recommendations about those Standing Committees to the Staff Senate.

6.3.6    Criteria will include, but not be limited to, relevance and performance.

6.4 Standing Advisory Committees of the Staff Senate

6.4.1    The Staff Senate shall have Standing Advisory Committees.

6.4.2    Fifty-one (51) percent of the Standing Advisory Committees membership shall constitute a quorum.

6.4.3    The Standing Advisory Committee shall submit all recommendations for action to the Executive Committee, for consideration as an agenda item(s) for the whole body.

6.4.4    The Standing Advisory Committees shall be responsible for submitting current activity reports to the Executive Committee, as well as a written annual report, which shall be provided to the Executive Committee at or before the last meeting of the fiscal year.

6.4.5    The Executive Committee shall review all Standing Advisory Committees annually and make recommendations about those Standing Advisory Committees to the Staff Senate.

6.4.6    Criteria will include, but not be limited to, relevance and performance.

6.5 Duties of Standing and Standing Advisory Committee Chairs

6.5.1    The Standing and Standing Advisory Committee Chairs’ duties shall include, but are not limited, to:    Call for and preside at all committee meetings;    Determine the committee agenda;    Ensure that all matters referred to the committee are followed through to conclusion;    Ensure that committee conduct is governed by the By-Laws and Robert's Rules of Order (latest revision); and    Serve as a member of the Executive Committee.    In the event that the Chair cannot be present at a Standing, Standing Advisory or Executive Committee meeting, the Chair may appoint a substitute from the Standing Committee.

6.6 Duties of Standing and Standing Advisory Committee Secretaries

6.6.1    The Standing Committee and Standing Advisory Committee Secretaries’ duties shall include, but not be limited, to:    Keep accurate minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Standing or Standing Advisory Committee;    Make the minutes available to the Standing or Standing Advisory Committee members at least five (5) working days prior to the next regular meeting;    Maintain a current list of the Standing or Standing Advisory Committee membership;    Maintain attendance records of Standing or Standing Advisory Committee meetings and forward those records to the Staff Senate Secretary with a copy to the Staff Senate Program Coordinator by the last day of the month prior to the next regular Staff Senate meeting; and    Forward the approved minutes of all regular and special meetings of the Standing or Standing Advisory Committee to the Staff Senate Secretary with a copy to the Staff Senate Program Coordinator by the last day of the month prior to the next regular Staff Senate meeting.

6.7 Responsibilities of Standing Committees

6.7.1    Standing Committees shall:    Meet monthly or as necessary, depending on the standing committee.    Fulfill their duties assigned:    In the Bylaws and Staff Senate Operating Procedures    Take appropriate action on matters submitted to them:    By the Executive Committee    By the Full Staff Senate Body    Via another Staff Senate Committee    Via another Staff Senator

6.8 Purpose and Responsibilities of Standing Advisory Committees

6.8.1    Standing Committees shall:    Meet monthly or as necessary, depending on the standing committee.    Fulfill their duties assigned:    In the Bylaws and Staff Senate Operating Procedures    Take appropriate action on matters submitted to them:    By the Executive Committee    By the Full Staff Senate Body    Via another Staff Senate Committee    Via another Staff Senator

Article 7 - Special and Ad Hoc Committees

7.1 Authority

7.1.1    The Chair of the Staff Senate, in consultation with the Executive Committee or the assembly, may appoint, as appropriate, such Special and Ad Hoc Committees as may be necessary for the accomplishment of certain projects or for special purposes.

7.1.2    The Executive Committee may recommend the composition of any Special or Ad Hoc Committee.

7.1.3    The Special or Ad Hoc Committee shall choose a Chair and Secretary in accordance with By-Law requirements for Standing and Standing Advisory Committees.

7.1.4    The Chair of a Special or Ad Hoc Committee shall report to the Executive Committee during the lifetime of the Special or Ad Hoc Committee.

7.2 Limitation

7.2.1    A Special or Ad Hoc Committee will be automatically discharged upon the completion of its assigned task or project and the forwarding of its response or recommendation to the Chair of the Staff Senate and/or the Staff Senate.

7.2.2    The Executive Committee shall have the authority to set the time frame for completion of the work assigned to the Special or Ad Hoc Committee.

7.3 Reports

7.3.1    At the completion of the Special or Ad Hoc Committee task, a final report shall be forwarded to the Staff Senate after review by the Executive Committee.

Article 8 - Special Events

8.1 Special Events

8.1.1    Special Events are those events that the Staff Senate has been given the approval for organizing.

Article 9 - Amendments to the By-Laws

9.1 Petition

9.1.1    Any proposal to amend the By-Laws of the Staff Senate shall be submitted to, or generated by, the By-Laws Committee.

9.1.2    Proposals may come from the Executive Committee, any Standing or Ad Hoc Committee, or from the Staff Senate floor.

9.2 Process

9.2.1    All recommendations for changes to the By-Laws from the By-Laws Committee, after being reviewed by the Executive Committee, shall be brought to the Staff Senate for approval.

9.2.2    Changes must be passed by a majority of the current voting membership of the Staff Senate.

9.3 Effective Date

9.3.1    Approved amendments to the By-Laws shall become effective on the first day of the next fiscal year unless otherwise specified in the motion to amend.

9.4 Limitation

9.4.1    If an amendment to the By-Laws is not passed by the full Senate, the amendment may not be brought before the Staff Senate or the Executive Committee again in that fiscal year.

By-Laws Amendments

As Amended: 2023

As Amended: 

  • March 9, 2023 
    • Article
      • formerly Article II - Officers, Section 3, 2, 1
  • June 8, 2023 
    • Reformatting of the numbering system from “Article, Section, Number, Letter System, i.e. Article I, Section 1, 1, a, i” to the “Article Number System, i.e. Article” 
      • as approved by the July 2022 – June 2023 Bylaws Committee

As Amended: 2022

As Amended: 

  • February 10, 2022
    • Articles 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5
      • formerly Article III, Section 1-6 (now 1-5)

As Amended: 2019

As Amended: 

  • January 10, 2019
    • Article 1.3
      • formerly Article 1, Section 3
  • February 14, 2019
    • Articles 1.2 and 2.10
      • formerly Article I, Section 2 Article II, Section 10
  • May 9, 2019
    • Article 1.9
      • formerly Article I, Section 9
    • Article 6.1, 6.2 
      • formerly Article VI, Section 1, 2

As Amended: 2017

As Amended: 

  • May 11, 2017
    • Complete Audit of the Bylaws
      • All Articles

As Amended: 2014

As Amended: 

  • January 9, 2014
    • Article 1.3
      • formerly Article I, Section 3
    • Articles 2.2, 2.3
      • formerly Article II, Section 2, 3
    • Article 6.7
      • formerly Article VI, Section 7
  • February 13, 2014
    • Creation of Standard Operating Procedures from the Bylaws

As Amended: 2013

As Amended: 

  • August 8, 2013
    • Preamble changed to Purpose
    • Articles 1.2, 1.4, 1.8
      • formerly Article I, Section 2, 4, 8
    • Articles 2.8, 2.10
      • formerly Article II, Section 8, 10
    • Article 3.4
      • formerly Article III, Section 4
    • Articles 6.5, 6.7
      • formerly Article VI, Section 5, 7
    • Article 8.1.1
      • formerly Article VIII a
    • Article 9
    • Article 9 Amendments to the Constitution deleted
      • formerly Article IX Amendments to the Constitution deleted
    • Article 10 Amendments to the Bylaws changed to Article 9
      • formerly Article X Amendments to the Bylaws changed to Article IX)

As Amended: 2011

As Amended: 

  • July 14, 2011
    • Article 2.6
      • formerly Article II, Section 6
    • Articles 6.3, 6.7
      • formerly Article VI, Section 3, 7

As Amended: 2010

As Amended: 

  • January 14, 2010
    • Article 6.7
      • formerly Article VI, Section 7
  • May 13, 2010
    • Added Preamble
    • Changed Article 2 – Senators to Article 1
      • formerly Changed Article II – Senators, to Article I 
    • Changed Article 1 – Officers to Article 2
      • formerly Changed former Article I – Officers, to Article II
    • Articles 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8
      • formerly Article I, Sections 3-4 & 6-8
    • Article 2.3
      • formerly Article II, Section 3
    • Article 4.1
      • formerly Article IV, Section 1
    • Articles 5.1 – 5.5
      • formerly Article V, Sections 1-5
    • Articles 6.1 – 6.8
      • formerly Article VI, Sections 1-8
    • Articles 7.1 – 7.3
      • formerly Article VII, Sections 1-3
  • June 10, 2010
    • Articles 1.5, 1.9
      • formerly Article I, Sections 5, 9
    • Articles 2.4, 2.6 – 2.10
      • formerly Article II, Sections 4, 6-10
    • Article 7.4
      • formerly Article VII, Section 4
    • Article 8.1
      • formerly Article VIII, Section 1
    • Articles 9.1 – 9.4
      • formerly Article IX, Sections 1-4
    • Articles 10.1, 10.2
      • formerly Article X, Sections 1-2

As Amended: 2009

As Amended: 

  • March 12, 2009
    • Article 2.8
      • formerly Article II, Section 8
    • Article 5.2 – 5.4
      • formerly Article V, Sections 1-4
    • Article 6.5, 6.7
      • formerly Article VI, Section 5 and Article VI, Section 7
    • Article 10.2, 6.7
      • formerly Article X, Section 2

As Amended: 2008

As Amended: 

  • April 10, 2008
    • Article 2.2
      • formerly Article II, Section 2
  • December 11, 2008
    • Article 2.1
      • formerly Article II, Section 1

As Amended: 2007

As Amended: 

  • March 8, 2007
    • Article 5.7
      • formerly Article V, Section 7
  • May 10, 2007
    • Article 1.3
      • Article I, Section 3
    • Article 5.7
      • formerly Article V, Section 7
  • June 14, 2007 
    • Article 7
      • formerly Article VII
  • July 12, 2007 
    • Article 1.3 
      • formerly Article I, Section 3
  • August 9, 2007 
    • Articles 1.1 – 1.9
      • formerly Article I, Sections 1-9
    • Articles 2.1 – 2.8
      • formerly Article II, Sections 1-8
    • Articles 3.3, 3.4
      • formerly Article III, Sections 3-4
    • Articles 4.2, 4.3
      • formerly Article IV, Sections 2-3
    • Articles 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.7
      • formerly Article V, Sections 2-3, 6-7
    • Article 8.4
      • formerly Article VIII, Section 4
    • Article 9.4
      • formerly Article IX, Section 4
  • November 8, 2007 
    • Article 2.6
      • formerly Article II, Section 6

As Amended: 2005

As Amended: 

  • April 14, 2005
    • Article 1.3
      • formerly Article I, Section 3
    • Article 2.4
      • formerly Article II, Section 4
    • Article 2.9
      • formerly Article II, Section 9
  • May 12, 2005
    • Article 5.7
      • formerly Article V, Section 7
  • September 8, 2005
    • Article 1.6
      • formerly Article I, Section 6
    • Article 1.7
      • formerly Article I, Section 7
    • Article 1.9
      • formerly Article I, Section 9
    • Article 1.10
      • formerly Article I, Section 10
    • Article 2.8
      • formerly Article II, Section 8
    • Article 2.9 
      • formerly Article II, Section 9

As Amended: 2004

As Amended: 

  • April 8, 2004 
    • Article 7.7
      • formerly Article VII, Section 7
  • May 13, 2004
    • Article 1.1
      • formerly Article I, Section 1
  • June 10, 2004
    • Article 1.9
      • formerly Article I, Section 9
  • July 8, 2004
    • Article 5.7
      • formerly Article V, Section 7

As Amended: 2003

As Amended: 

  • March 13, 2003
    • Article 1.6
      • formerly Article I, Section 6
    • Article 1.7
      • formerly Article I, Section 7
    • Article 2.4
      • formerly Article II, Section 4
  • May 8, 2003
    • Article 5.7
      • formerly Article V, Section 7
    • Article 5.8
      • formerly Article V, Section 8
  • June 12, 2003
    • Article 6.7
      • formerly Article VI, Section 7
    • Article 7.1
      •  formerly Article VII, Section 1

As Amended: 2002

As Amended:

  • September 12, 2002
    • Article 5.5 
      • formerly Article V, Section 5
  • November 14, 2002
    • Article 2.4
      • formerly Article II, Section 4
    • Article 2.5
      •  formerly Article II, Section 5


Combined Amendments List (2002 - Current)

As Amended:

  • September 12, 2002
    • Article 5.5 
      • formerly Article V, Section 5
  • November 14, 2002
    • Article 2.4
      • formerly Article II, Section 4
    • Article 2.5
      •  formerly Article II, Section 5
  • March 13, 2003
    • Article 1.6
      • formerly Article I, Section 6
    • Article 1.7
      • formerly Article I, Section 7
    • Article 2.4
      • formerly Article II, Section 4
  • May 8, 2003
    • Article 5.7
      • formerly Article V, Section 7
    • Article 5.8
      • formerly Article V, Section 8
  • June 12, 2003
    • Article 6.7
      • formerly Article VI, Section 7
    • Article 7.1
      •  formerly Article VII, Section 1
  • April 8, 2004 
    • Article 7.7
      • formerly Article VII, Section 7
  • May 13, 2004
    • Article 1.1
      • formerly Article I, Section 1
  • June 10, 2004
    • Article 1.9
      • formerly Article I, Section 9
  • July 8, 2004
    • Article 5.7
      • formerly Article V, Section 7
  • April 14, 2005
    • Article 1.3
      • formerly Article I, Section 3
    • Article 2.4
      • formerly Article II, Section 4
    • Article 2.9
      • formerly Article II, Section 9
  • May 12, 2005
    • Article 5.7
      • formerly Article V, Section 7
  • September 8, 2005
    • Article 1.6
      • formerly Article I, Section 6
    • Article 1.7
      • formerly Article I, Section 7
    • Article 1.9
      • formerly Article I, Section 9
    • Article 1.10
      • formerly Article I, Section 10
    • Article 2.8
      • formerly Article II, Section 8
    • Article 2.9 
      • formerly Article II, Section 9
  • March 8, 2007
    • Article 5.7
      • formerly Article V, Section 7
  • May 10, 2007
    • Article 1.3
      • Article I, Section 3
    • Article 5.7
      • formerly Article V, Section 7
  • June 14, 2007 
    • Article 7
      • formerly Article VII
  • July 12, 2007 
    • Article 1.3 
      • formerly Article I, Section 3
  • August 9, 2007 
    • Articles 1.1 – 1.9
      • formerly Article I, Sections 1-9
    • Articles 2.1 – 2.8
      • formerly Article II, Sections 1-8
    • Articles 3.3, 3.4
      • formerly Article III, Sections 3-4
    • Articles 4.2, 4.3
      • formerly Article IV, Sections 2-3
    • Articles 5.2, 5.3, 5.6, 5.7
      • formerly Article V, Sections 2-3, 6-7
    • Article 8.4
      • formerly Article VIII, Section 4
    • Article 9.4
      • formerly Article IX, Section 4
  • November 8, 2007 
    • Article 2.6
      • formerly Article II, Section 6
  • April 10, 2008
    • Article 2.2
      • formerly Article II, Section 2
  • December 11, 2008
    • Article 2.1
      • formerly Article II, Section 1
  • March 12, 2009
    • Article 2.8
      • formerly Article II, Section 8
    • Article 5.2 – 5.4
      • formerly Article V, Sections 1-4
    • Article 6.5, 6.7
      • formerly Article VI, Section 5 and Article VI, Section 7
    • Article 10.2, 6.7
      • formerly Article X, Section 2
  • January 14, 2010
    • Article 6.7
      • formerly Article VI, Section 7
  • May 13, 2010
    • Added Preamble
    • Changed Article 2 – Senators to Article 1
      • formerly Changed Article II – Senators, to Article I 
    • Changed Article 1 – Officers to Article 2
      • formerly Changed former Article I – Officers, to Article II
    • Articles 1.3, 1.4, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8
      • formerly Article I, Sections 3-4 & 6-8
    • Article 2.3
      • formerly Article II, Section 3
    • Article 4.1
      • formerly Article IV, Section 1
    • Articles 5.1 – 5.5
      • formerly Article V, Sections 1-5
    • Articles 6.1 – 6.8
      • formerly Article VI, Sections 1-8
    • Articles 7.1 – 7.3
      • formerly Article VII, Sections 1-3
  • June 10, 2010
    • Articles 1.5, 1.9
      • formerly Article I, Sections 5, 9
    • Articles 2.4, 2.6 – 2.10
      • formerly Article II, Sections 4, 6-10
    • Article 7.4
      • formerly Article VII, Section 4
    • Article 8.1
      • formerly Article VIII, Section 1
    • Articles 9.1 – 9.4
      • formerly Article IX, Sections 1-4
    • Articles 10.1, 10.2
      • formerly Article X, Sections 1-2
  • July 14, 2011
    • Article 2.6
      • formerly Article II, Section 6
    • Articles 6.3, 6.7
      • formerly Article VI, Section 3, 7
  • August 8, 2013
    • Preamble changed to Purpose
    • Articles 1.2, 1.4, 1.8
      • formerly Article I, Section 2, 4, 8
    • Articles 2.8, 2.10
      • formerly Article II, Section 8, 10
    • Article 3.4
      • formerly Article III, Section 4
    • Articles 6.5, 6.7
      • formerly Article VI, Section 5, 7
    • Article 8.1.1
      • formerly Article VIII a
    • Article 9
    • Article 9 Amendments to the Constitution deleted
      • formerly Article IX Amendments to the Constitution deleted
    • Article 10 Amendments to the Bylaws changed to Article 9
      • formerly Article X Amendments to the Bylaws changed to Article IX)
  • January 9, 2014
    • Article 1.3
      • formerly Article I, Section 3
    • Articles 2.2, 2.3
      • formerly Article II, Section 2, 3
    • Article 6.7
      • formerly Article VI, Section 7
  • February 13, 2014
    • Creation of Standard Operating Procedures from the Bylaws
  • May 11, 2017
    • Complete Audit of the Bylaws
      • All Articles

        As Amended: January 10, 2019 Article 1.3 (formerly Article 1, Section 3)

        As Amended: February 14, 2019 Articles 1.2 and 2.10 (formerly Article I, Section 2 Article II, Section 10)

        As Amended: May 9, 2019 Article 1.9, Article 6.1, 6.2 (formerly Article I, Section 9 Article VI, Section 1, 2)

        As Amended: February 10, 2022 Article 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5 (formerly Article III, Section 1-6 (now 1-5))

        As Amended: March 9, 2023 Article (formerly Article II - Officers, Section 3, 2, 1)

        As Amended: June 8, 2023 Reformatting of the numbering system from “Article, Section, Number, Letter System, i.e. Article I, Section 1, 1, a, i” to the “Article Number System, i.e. Article” (as approved by the July 2022 – June 2023 Bylaws Committee)