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The Staff Senate Executive Committee is made up of the Senate officers and the chairs for each of the Senate committees.


Committee Chairs

  • By-Laws
    • Kel Hahn, Office of Philanthropy
  • Community Outreach
    • TBD
  • Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DE&I)
    • TBD
  • Elections
    • TBD
  • Employee Engagement
    • TBD
  • HealthCare Administration/EVPHA Advisory (HAC)
    • TBD
  • President Advisory (PAC)
    • TBD
  • Professional Development/Career Progression
    • TBD
  • Public Relations
    • TBD
  • Special Events
    • TBD
  • Technology
    • TBD
  • University Benefits and Compensation
    • TBD
  • University Policy and Processes
    • TBD
  • Ad-Hoc: Administrative Regulation Development
    • TBD
  • Ad-Hoc: Higher Ed Administrative Advisory
    • TBD
  • Ad-Hoc: Shared Governance Collaboration
    • TBD
  • Ad-Hoc: University Budget and Finance
    • TBD
  • Ad-Hoc: University Infrastructure
    • TBD

Program Coordinator

Executive Committee members assume roles on July 1.


The purpose of the Executive Committee shall be to:

  1. Facilitate the functioning of the Staff Senate and to oversee all committees;
  2. Act on urgent matters, which cannot wait for action by the Staff Senate in regular sessions. Such actions shall be reported to the Staff Senate as soon as is reasonably possible;
  3. Review and recommend action on the annual budget;
  4. Recommend the formation of special or Ad Hoc committees as deemed necessary;
  5. Appoint representatives as needed to University-wide committees; and
  6. Determine the agenda for Staff Senate meetings.